Archiwum miesiąca: czerwiec 2019

New endeavor

Long time no see! It’s been a long while since I have posted anything on my blog.

Now, however, is a time to come back. I’ve been busy the past three years – here’s what I’ve been doing:

  • I’ve started writing a book for beginners about software development in Java – it is available for free on my other site: – up to date there are 9 chapters ready, contributing to over 450 pages, and about 7 more chapters are yet to come. The book is in Polish language.
  • I’ve written a document titled Craftsmanship of Software Development – it is a collection of my thoughts about what it means (and what it takes) to be a successful developer. It is available here (in English):
  • I have successfully taught a person who had no prior experience with software development to do programming in Java, and to use SQL and Git. That person has now been working for almost 2 years as a happy Java developer.

This last item is the most important to me – since the day I’ve proven to myself that I can do it, I wanted to do it on daily basis. I’ve quit my job a few months ago and, step by step, I will by trying to find more people who would like to learn programming and teach them.

I also have many other ideas related to teaching software development and I will try to bring them to life – first of those is a Git training. Stay tunned to learn when the first one will take place (most probably in July).