Tag Archives: StackOverflow

Q&A Site for Programmers

Text Index With a Sync Parameter

Subtitle is on holidays.

Oracle Text Index with SYNC (EVERY …) Parameter

Just a quick tip for today. Oracle allows us to create special kind of indexes on columns containing long texts. One of them is the CONTEXT type. You don’t need any particular privileges to create an index of this type (other than being able to create indexes in you schema). At least, that’s what the documentation says.

There was a question about creating a CONTEXT index on StackOverflow:

Can’t create oracle text index with sync every

Continue reading

Returning BLOB From Embedded Java

- Waiter! There's a BLOB in my Java!

Returning a BLOB from a Java Method Embedded in a Database

You’re about to learn your future

Oracle supports embedding Java classes in its database. Different SQL types are mapped to corresponding Java classes to allow us to make the most of this feature. Author of the following question on StackOverflow:


had an issue with returning a BLOB object from Java method back to PL/SQL context. In the beginning, I didn’t even think you could return a new BLOB object from an embedded class. Fortunately, there was a BLOB in my Java, too. Continue reading

How to Pass an Array of Object Type
To Static Function of That Type

Solution shorter than the title

Array of an Object Type Argument in a Function of That Object Type

Interesting question regarding Object Types was asked not a long ago on StackOverflow:

How to Pass a Nested Table of Object Type to a Function of That Object Type?

What author was trying to accomplish was to declare a static function in an object type which would take as a parameter an array of objects of the object type in which it was declared.

Is that even possible? (dramatic pause) Continue reading

Connecting to Oracle Database
Using TNSNAMES.ORA in Java

Knock knock

Utilizing TNSNAMES.ORA in Java

– You have to use TNSNAMES.ORA.
– TNS-what?
– What-names?
– T N S N A M E S!
– What-what?

In the following thread on StackOverflow:


a question concerning usage of net service names, stored in the TNSNAMES.ORA file, was asked. Let me briefly explain how to connect to Oracle using this approach. Continue reading