Archiwa kategorii: Oracle

Oracle in general.

MERGE Alias Bug – No Error Thrown When Using Wrong Alias


Back in the days, when I was just beginning working as an Oracle developer, I used to view Oracle Database Server as such a great piece of software to the extent where I wouldn’t even consider that a problem which I’ve just encountered wasn’t my fault, but Oracle’s bug!

Why am I bringing this up, you might ask? Well, a few weeks ago I’ve stumbled upon a weird bug in Oracle. I was using Oracle Take a look at the below example: Czytaj dalej

Searching in the source of a view

Let's take a view at it

Once upon a time… I needed to check in the source of which objects a particular character string was included.

LONG (the pun!…) story short, non of the {USER|ALL|DBA}_SOURCE views give you a chance to search in the source of the views.

“Well, why is that a problem?!” – I hear you saying – “Don’t you know the {USER|ALL|DBA}_VIEWS views views (wait, one views too many)?”

O my, but of course! There’s a column named TEXT in them with the source of the views! Let’s try that: Czytaj dalej

Answer to Quiz #2: NULL in Aggregate Functions

Mind the NULL!

1 Quiz #2 – NULL in Aggregate Functions

Hello again! It’s due time to provide the answers for my second quiz – the one about NULL in aggregate functions.

In this particular quiz, it wasn’t the point to pick the correct choices, but rather figure out what will be the result of running each of the SELECTs. Czytaj dalej

Quiz #2: NULL in Aggregate Functions

Impact of NULL in Aggreaget Functions

Aww. So dusty in here. Where have I been for the past seven months?!

Either way, it’s that time. Yep, you know what I mean – it’s the QUIZ TIME!

I’ve got a new quiz for you today:

What will be the result of running each of the SELECTs? Czytaj dalej

Quiz #1: Package Dependency

Packages and Dependent Objects

I’ve got the following quiz for you today:

After running which of the following code snippets will the ‘INVALID’ status be returned?


  • Version of Oracle: 11g R2.
  • Before each snippet is run, both dummy_pkg and print_message objects do not exist.

I’ll provide the answer in my next post.

The choices:
Czytaj dalej

Text Index With a Sync Parameter

Subtitle is on holidays.

Oracle Text Index with SYNC (EVERY …) Parameter

Just a quick tip for today. Oracle allows us to create special kind of indexes on columns containing long texts. One of them is the CONTEXT type. You don’t need any particular privileges to create an index of this type (other than being able to create indexes in you schema). At least, that’s what the documentation says.

There was a question about creating a CONTEXT index on StackOverflow:

Can’t create oracle text index with sync every

Czytaj dalej

Returning BLOB From Embedded Java

- Waiter! There's a BLOB in my Java!

Returning a BLOB from a Java Method Embedded in a Database

You’re about to learn your future

Oracle supports embedding Java classes in its database. Different SQL types are mapped to corresponding Java classes to allow us to make the most of this feature. Author of the following question on StackOverflow:


had an issue with returning a BLOB object from Java method back to PL/SQL context. In the beginning, I didn’t even think you could return a new BLOB object from an embedded class. Fortunately, there was a BLOB in my Java, too. Czytaj dalej