Connecting to Oracle Database
Using TNSNAMES.ORA in Java

Knock knock

Utilizing TNSNAMES.ORA in Java

– You have to use TNSNAMES.ORA.
– TNS-what?
– What-names?
– T N S N A M E S!
– What-what?

In the following thread on StackOverflow:


a question concerning usage of net service names, stored in the TNSNAMES.ORA file, was asked. Let me briefly explain how to connect to Oracle using this approach.

Knocking on Oracle’s door

While using JDBC, you have a few possibilities of establishing a connection. A common approach is to use the THIN driver which connects directly to Oracle using Java’s sockets. To tell JDBC where you want to connect to, you provide a database URL of the following syntax:



  • jdbc:oracle:thin – defines that we want the JDBC Thin Driver to be used to establish the connection,
  • HOST – address of the database server or the host’s name,
  • PORT – port on which the database server is listening for incoming connections,
  • SID – Oracle System Identifier – identifies an instance of Oracle database.

However, instead of specifying HOST, PORT and SID values, we could provide the net service name from the TNSNAMES.ORA file. Let me just shortly explain what this fella’ is all about!


Put simply, TNSNAMES.ORA is a configuration file holding net service names which are aliases for database network addresses. Yep, simply. Each of the addresses is described by a connect descriptor composed of host address, port and SID or service name.

Those aliases are very useful – consider a situation, when the machine on which a database server is hosted changes – if you use an alias from TNSNAMES.ORA, you only have to change address of the database server there. On the other hand, if you would hardcode the host address in your applications, you would potentially have to change it in many places, probably missing one or more.

If you have an Oracle Client or Oracle Database Server installed, you may find the TNSNAMES.ORA file in the following location:


Below is an example of a simple format of a net service name and connection descriptor and an example with actual values:


# with values:
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
      (SERVICE_NAME = orcl)


As I have mentioned, you can use the net service names defined in the TNSNAMES.ORA file to tell the driver to which database you want to connect to. The database URL for this approach looks like this:


where the net service name is an entry from our protagonist file. Before you can connect to Oracle using this approach, there is one more thing you have to do – you have to tell JDBC where to look for the TNSNAMES.ORA file.

To do that, you set the property to the location of the folder containing your TNSNAMES.ORA file, accessible from your machine:


And… that’s it! All you have to do now is create a connection with the chosen net service name and let the records out (or in)!

If you don’t have TNSNAMES.ORA file, you can create it yourself and save it in location of your choosing and point to it in above setProperty method.

Below is an example of utilizing TNSNAMES.ORA file entry in Java to connect to Oracle database:

public class UsingTNSNAMESExample {
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // tell the driver where to look for the TNSNAMES.ORA file

    // ORCL is net service name from the TNSNAMES.ORA file
    String dbURL = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@ORCL";

    // load the driver

    Connection conn = null;
    Statement stmt = null;

    try {
      conn = DriverManager.getConnection(dbURL,

      stmt = conn.createStatement();

      ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT dummy FROM dual");

      if ( {
        System.out.println("Dummy is equal to: " + rs.getString(1));
    } catch (Exception e) {
    finally {
      if (stmt != null) try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) {}
      if (conn != null) try { conn.close(); } catch (Exception e) {}

The following string was printed to the standard output:

Dummy is equal to: X

I also enclose once again the content of a simple TNSNAMES.ORA file:

    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
      (SERVICE_NAME = orcl)

Further Reading & Useful Links

Below you’ll find links to some useful resources on the Internet about topics covered in this article:

I hope you enjoyed my article. If you have found any errors in it (even typos), you think that I haven’t explained anything clearly enough or you have an idea how I could make the article better – please, do not hesitate to contact me, or leave a comment.

Article is also available in Open Office Writer format and PDF:

One thought on “Connecting to Oracle Database
Using TNSNAMES.ORA in Java

  1. Ladislav Jech

    Well, in some guis the TNS driver configuration is simply not implemented or not working (Netbeans for example 🙂 )

    There is simple workaround here. You can take the entry directly from the tnsnames.ora file and attach it to the jdbc driver string as following:

    Example from using odbc7.jar (Oracle 12c JDBC driver for JDK 7) to connect to Oracle 11gR2 RAC cluster:

    Be aware of putting double :: characters in the end as host:port:service, if you will put :: in the end like this:
    Well, in some guis the TNS driver configuration is simply not implemented or not working (Netbeans for example 🙂 )

    There is simple workaround here. You can take the entry directly from the tnsnames.ora file and attach it to the jdbc driver string as following:

    Example from using odbc7.jar (Oracle 12c JDBC driver for JDK 7) to connect to Oracle 11gR2 RAC cluster:

    You will end up with “NL Exception was generated” exception.


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